
一再的review my oral ability? 純粹英文邏輯思考?比較習慣快節奏思考模式?比較可以一次handle with 很多雜事/很多學生?大概聽得懂英國腔、南非腔、加拿大腔的不同?比較知道如何和老外相處的一些技巧?至少cross-cultural gap一直存在的。這實在是和大學時代和外籍老師的相處模式大有天壤之別!

今天impressed me的是,剛巧我在remediaroom等候的時候遇著breaktime,C1的小朋友跑出來拍打窗戶猛地開心的和我打招呼!每天一定要圍著我轉的Sandy, 每天午休總找不到棉被的Christina, 常讓我又好氣又好笑,今天卻一點都笑不開的聰明Gin! 只是我到底看到你們眼底的落寞。也許多年後我還可以教到你們吧?(所以未來兩年我要非常努力!)【絕不妥協】裡的喬恩說得很對,小孩子是最直來直往的!

多少有著遺憾,我居然忘記跟每天親切跟我說How are you? 猛地給我打氣,逗我笑的 Justine 說掰掰!你今天下午明明就站我旁邊呢!我是怎麼了?
How are you?
Ho, no! Please forget that! It would be very well! I really think so...

How are you?
Very nice!
Great! Go ahead! I told you that....

Excuse, Justine. Could I borrow your teaching log/ contactbooks?
No!! You cannot!! (roared me down on purpose) Sure! You could take it! (then, gave me a big smell right now)

Cathy, please give me your right hand. (smelled very kindly)
Why? What are you doing? (very confused)
I just wanna give yu a little gift, like this! (put one thing on my hand and covered it. Let me fail to see it.)
(while I opened my hand, he had left. He just went to his motorcycle, and I just saw a RUBBER BAND!!!)
OH! CRAZY JUSTINE! Don't do that again...(still murmured)(but I still kept that very well)

究竟是你的英國腔(我超愛英國腔)impressed me so much? 還是你的紳士談吐讓我覺得你超級nice?
我想我永遠忘不掉你每天下班跟我說 seeya的濃濃英國腔,偶爾故意用中文回應我的怪腔怪調:「謝謝!」「不客氣!」

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