

Vickie Pettis

Chinese name:

Where are you from?
I'm from Hoquiam, Washington, USA. Actually, I live about 20 miles out of Hoquiam, in a very remote area. I can't even see any other houses from my home. But I can see deer, bears, cougars and bald eagles. It's wonderful!

How long have you been in Taiwan?
I've been in Taiwan since 1986. I love Taiwan. I love the people, my work, and I really love Chinese food—including chou tofu!

Describe your family.
My parents are both retired and love working in their garden and traveling. My two older sisters are both married with children. They live close to my parents in Washington state. In Taiwan, I live with my dog Sammy and my cat Cali.

What do you do in your leisure time?
When I'm not teaching English, I like to relax with a good book. I also like to go out for coffee and a good movie with my close friends. And when I have more time, I like to go to places like Hualien, Ilan or Kenting.

If you were stranded on an island, what would you want to have with you:
Music: Kenny G, Guitar Classics
Books: Survival 101 for Dummies, The Bible, American Classics
Movies: White Christmas, Shadow Lands, Les Miserables
People: My best friend and my parents

What's your favorite quote?
"God loves us the way we are, but He loves us too much to leave us that way."
~ Leighton Ford

Share one tip for learning English:
Enjoy it! Enjoy the process as well as the end result. Have fun, and don't be afraid to laugh at yourself.

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